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Can Mesotherapy and Laser in Chronic Cervicitis Prevent Cervical Cancer?

Introduction If left untreated, chronic cervicitis, a persistent inflammation of the cervix, can result in serious complications. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), a preinvasive stage that may ultimately lead to cervical cancer, is a disorder that is frequently disregarded. Prominent Cosmetic Gynecologist and PCOS Specialist Dr. Shraddha Goel highlights the significance of prompt diagnosis and treatment […]

Can Mesotherapy and Laser in Chronic Cervicitis Prevent Cervical Cancer? Read More »

medical practice

6 Tips to Improve Collections and Cash Flow at Your Medical Practice

Like many other businesses, the management of a medical practice requires not only the delivery of outstanding health services but also the balancing of a practice’s finances. Collection and cash management is one of the most important areas in terms of practice development and stability. Following is the list of six implementable strategies that can

6 Tips to Improve Collections and Cash Flow at Your Medical Practice Read More »